Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 23, commonly known as the Harrisburg TIRZ, was created in 2011 in an effort to aid in the revitalization of Houston’s East End. Boundaries of the reinvestment zone have evolved since its inception. Today, the Harrisburg TIRZ consists of 1,890 acres comprised mostly of commercial, industrial, and multifamily property along with public rights of way, parks, and trails. It stretches between City Council Districts H and I and is bounded by I-69 on its western edge, Buffalo Bayou to the north, the Houston Ship Channel to the east, and Lawndale/I-45 to the south. With the exception of the inclusion of a substantial portion of Historic Second Ward, the zone primarily follows major roadways, including Navigation Boulevard, Canal Street, Harrisburg Boulevard, Lockwood Street, and the Samson/York Street one-way pair. The area within and surrounding TIRZ No. 23 is known for its vibrant Hispanic culture, its gritty mix of industrial and residential activity, attractive park spaces, close proximity to downtown, and its multiple railroad crossings.
In its first 15 years, TIRZ No. 23 focused on spurring public and private reinvestment by funding others. Nine agreements with private and nonprofit sector organizations resulted in the creation of unique commercial retail and office spaces, such as Ironworks and The Plant at Harrisburg, as well as roughly 500 workforce and market-rate housing units. Additionally, the TIRZ seeded funds for projects underway or completed by the East End District, UpArt Studio, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and Buffalo Bayou Partnership, including $6.6 million participation in the $300 million Buffalo Bayou East program.
With sufficient annual revenues in place, the TIRZ is now undertaking its own capital improvement projects. Upcoming improvements include sidewalk repairs at critical locations throughout the Zone, traffic safety improvements, roadway reconstruction along Telephone Road, as well as improvements to Eastwood Park and Mason Park, with more to come!
The boundaries of TIRZ #23 encompass approximately 1,460 acres of land. The Zone extends from east of downtown to 75th Street and includes Harrisburg Boulevard, Canal Street, N. Wayside Drive, and S. Sgt. Macario Garcia Drive. TIRZ #23 is located in Council Districts B, H, and I, and Super Neighborhoods 63 (Second Ward), 64 (Greater Eastwood), 82 (Magnolia Park), and 88 (Lawndale/Wayside). The Zone is predominately located within the Greater East End Management District, created by the 76th Texas State Legislature in 1999 to facilitate economic development and revitalization in the area.